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Benefits of an ASHP

This measure is available under ECO4

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What Are The Benefits?

Energy bill savings

One thing that often puts people off changing their heating system to something completely different is the thought of all the work that will need to be carried out and the upheaval it could create in their home. With people walking in and out of the house and the possibility of dust and debris, it can be distressing for some to consider.
A good Air Source Heat pump company understands just how important it is for a client that they do the job as efficiently and quickly as possible and of course that any mess is cleaned up. It is important to leave a client's home as they found it but with the one noticeable difference; a brand new efficient ASHP.

Carbon emission savings

Air source heat pumps are powered by electricity, but this only accounts for 25% of their energy use, the remaining 75% is provided by renewable energy sources. Unlike many more traditional forms of heating used to heat both your home and water, there is no gas involved.
This is excellent news for the environment because it means a significant carbon emission saving can be made. To give a better idea of just how efficient air source heat pumps really are; for every single unit of electricity that the pump uses, 3 to 4 units of heat are produced in the average set up.